Case Study

Eladyrrehc, LLC


The Fire

  • A Pennsylvania based food and chocolate manufacturer and purveyor of goods for the national fund-raising industry over-extended itself and sold its assets for cash and the promise of a future stream of payments based upon sales.

  • The sales proceeds and the rights to a promise of future payments by the asset purchaser were conveyed into a Trust.

  • A Delaware assignment for the benefit of creditors was commenced.


The Rescue

  • As Assignee, investigated certain financial inconsistencies and asset transfers.

  • Commenced Federal litigation to compel the new owner of the assets to timely comply with the obligations and payments it had agreed upon.

  • A complex and legally novel Texas Franchise Tax case was successfully resolved saving an enormous claim amount.

  • Thoughtful and meticulous administration of the estate assets, including verifying and obtaining multi-year payments were assured.   

The Result

Creditors received multiple pro-rata distributions on account of their verified claims approaching 80 cents per dollar of claim.